Home : Mission : Units : Division West : 189th Infantry Brigade


Video by Daisuke Sato
Zama Pulse Sept. - Oct. 2024 edition
U.S. Army Garrison - Japan
Oct. 2, 2024 | 8:20
Here is the latest episode of the "Zama Pulse," the show with news highlights, community updates and features on Japanese culture!

This month's news headlines include:
- 9/11 Workout to Remember
- Housing Town Hall
- Room Clearing Training
- Musical Equipment Donation by U.S. Army Japan Band
- Unity Night
- Umaichi Matsuri, a local festival at Shariki
- Building Bilateral Relationships at Kyogamisaki Communication Site

***Keep an eye out for new episodes in the future. We hope you enjoy the show!
189th Infantry Brigade
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Mission & Vision

189th IN BDE (CATB) observes, coaches, and trains our ARNG and USAR partners to provide trained and ready units to support combatant commander requirements around the world. O/O, conduct Mobilization and Large Scale Mobilization Operations (LSMO) in support of our ARNG and USAR partners to meet combatant commander OPLAN requirements.
Our purpose is to support First Army’s mission to achieve FORSCOM directed readiness and deliver trained and ready NG and RC forces. We accomplish this through partnership with the National Guard and US Army Reserve as FORSCOM’s proponent for the integration of the Army’s Total Force Policy (ATFP) and execution of Mobilization Training Centers (MTC) operations as part of the Army’s LSMO effort.
