WEBVTT 00:10.729 --> 00:12.729 Rama and ready is a division level 00:12.739 --> 00:15.510 exercise for the entire first cab 00:15.520 --> 00:18.040 division , as well as three core and 00:18.049 --> 00:20.399 downs race units to exercise at the 00:20.409 --> 00:22.631 division level in the for a large scale 00:22.631 --> 00:25.190 combat operation . And my battalion 00:25.340 --> 00:27.451 second battalion 29 , 1st aviation in 00:27.451 --> 00:30.430 my team was tasked to help with remo 00:30.639 --> 00:32.806 and ready . We are observers , coaches 00:32.806 --> 00:34.806 and trainers , first and foremost , 00:34.806 --> 00:37.028 provide an extra set of eyes for safety 00:37.028 --> 00:39.195 and to enable the training so that the 00:39.195 --> 00:41.529 training audience is able to accomplish 00:41.540 --> 00:43.779 the task . They need to in a safe and 00:43.790 --> 00:46.319 effective manner to achieve mission 00:46.330 --> 00:48.441 success for their mission . Essential 00:48.441 --> 00:52.389 task . Wars are in 00:52.400 --> 00:54.622 the battlefield , right ? And for us to 00:54.622 --> 00:56.789 be able to go out to the training area 00:56.789 --> 00:59.029 for us to be with them and to get back 00:59.040 --> 01:02.310 to war fighting skills in a field 01:02.319 --> 01:04.900 environment is really what we do and 01:04.910 --> 01:06.966 what we're designed and paid to do . 01:06.980 --> 01:09.209 And so getting back to the dirt is a 01:09.220 --> 01:11.220 good way to put it what army senior 01:11.220 --> 01:13.959 leaders focus is and always has been 01:13.970 --> 01:16.330 and allows us to really train for 01:16.339 --> 01:17.709 potential threats in the future .