WEBVTT 00:00.280 --> 00:02.779 Chaplain , Colonel Doug Brock . I'm the 00:02.789 --> 00:04.622 state Chaplain for New York Army 00:04.622 --> 00:07.650 National Guard . We are here in Zambia 00:07.659 --> 00:10.020 at the invitation of Zambia to build 00:10.029 --> 00:12.399 partnership and connection and 00:12.409 --> 00:15.539 partnership connection is centered in 00:15.550 --> 00:18.979 and necessary to it is uh communication . 00:19.360 --> 00:21.709 And so getting together in that face to 00:21.719 --> 00:24.420 face in that uh like we were doing this 00:24.430 --> 00:26.700 morning to , to , to worship together , 00:26.709 --> 00:29.420 to pray together and to uh just 00:29.430 --> 00:32.659 encourage one another uh through that 00:32.869 --> 00:34.700 we build those partnerships and 00:34.709 --> 00:37.419 relationships and Zambia has gone on to 00:37.430 --> 00:40.919 in invite other uh countries as well . 00:40.930 --> 00:42.986 There are eight countries here , but 00:42.986 --> 00:45.152 we're hoping eight countries are gonna 00:45.152 --> 00:47.319 be here . One , still coming its way . 00:47.319 --> 00:48.930 And uh that would build this 00:48.930 --> 00:51.819 communication , this partnership and 00:51.830 --> 00:53.886 the whole reason for partnership and 00:53.886 --> 00:56.500 communication is so I believe so that 00:56.509 --> 00:58.349 we can , we can build peace and 00:58.360 --> 01:01.029 security , that we can build uh peace 01:01.040 --> 01:02.984 with one another , friendships and 01:02.984 --> 01:05.207 trust with one another . And that's the 01:05.207 --> 01:07.250 route towards uh uh just , just a 01:07.260 --> 01:09.690 better world . Oh , National Guard , I 01:09.699 --> 01:12.032 am terribly proud of the National Guard . 01:12.150 --> 01:14.589 Now , regard we serve two functions for 01:14.599 --> 01:16.599 the , for the country . One is , is 01:16.599 --> 01:19.160 we're we're uh uh the strategic uh 01:19.169 --> 01:22.839 reserve for , for the army and the army 01:22.849 --> 01:24.627 is to win the fight and win the 01:24.627 --> 01:27.349 nation's wars uh in , in accordance 01:27.360 --> 01:29.138 with the desires of the command 01:29.138 --> 01:31.304 authority . Uh And we get to do that . 01:31.304 --> 01:33.471 We get to train and prepare for that . 01:33.471 --> 01:35.471 But in addition , we also serve the 01:35.471 --> 01:37.790 governor and in serving the government 01:37.800 --> 01:40.150 like in our state in New York . That 01:40.160 --> 01:42.790 means that when a crisis takes place or , 01:42.800 --> 01:45.269 or when things happen , uh National 01:45.279 --> 01:47.870 Guard gets to step in and serve our own 01:47.879 --> 01:51.019 neighbors . I think of a Superstorm 01:51.029 --> 01:53.196 that we had , that came in and flooded 01:53.196 --> 01:56.900 the north section of New York and my 01:56.910 --> 01:59.379 soldiers , my engineers from the , from , 01:59.389 --> 02:02.099 from my area went up there to serve 02:02.110 --> 02:04.760 those communities to dig them out , to , 02:04.779 --> 02:07.879 uh to , to rescue , to re reshape uh or 02:07.889 --> 02:11.020 to uh um uh realign the water if you 02:11.029 --> 02:13.149 will and uh , and , and rescue those 02:13.160 --> 02:15.929 people , right ? And while we were up 02:15.940 --> 02:19.440 there , the water and the flood and the , 02:19.449 --> 02:22.759 the , the storm came down to our area 02:23.050 --> 02:25.550 and , uh , and , and they were offered 02:25.559 --> 02:28.160 to go down and they spent another week 02:28.169 --> 02:30.225 up there and then they came down and 02:30.229 --> 02:32.910 they served their own community . Many 02:32.919 --> 02:35.020 of which , uh uh I spoke to many 02:35.029 --> 02:36.918 soldiers who , who in some of the 02:36.918 --> 02:38.919 overhead imagery that we see to see 02:38.929 --> 02:40.985 where the flood is , would see their 02:40.985 --> 02:42.985 own homes flooded . But rather than 02:42.985 --> 02:45.096 going home , they stay and they serve 02:45.096 --> 02:47.318 their neighbor . And , uh , that just , 02:47.318 --> 02:49.596 it makes me tremendously proud to be a , 02:49.596 --> 02:51.707 a national Guard member . It's , it's 02:51.707 --> 02:53.929 local community service with a national 02:53.929 --> 02:55.929 effect , put the chaplain into that 02:55.929 --> 02:58.040 situation . And what I get to do is I 02:58.040 --> 03:00.490 get to serve and minister to soldiers 03:00.500 --> 03:02.500 in my area , soldiers from New York 03:02.500 --> 03:04.667 State , fellow New Yorkers . And I get 03:04.667 --> 03:07.179 to step into situations . One of the 03:07.190 --> 03:10.179 great privileges of my , of my work is 03:10.190 --> 03:12.399 that , that when a crisis happens to a 03:12.410 --> 03:15.839 family , I get to go in , I get to go 03:15.850 --> 03:19.309 in and I'm not much of anything at all 03:19.320 --> 03:21.630 but my goddess . And so I get to bring 03:21.639 --> 03:23.960 that and I get to bring that peace and 03:23.970 --> 03:26.137 that , that , that anchor in the midst 03:26.137 --> 03:28.820 of the , of the , uh the chaos if you 03:28.830 --> 03:31.052 will . Uh Not because I'm special , but 03:31.052 --> 03:33.219 because I'm anchored the , the special 03:33.219 --> 03:36.740 one . And I get to say , hold on to me 03:36.940 --> 03:39.869 while I hold on . Right . Uh It's just , 03:39.919 --> 03:42.086 it's a glorious work . Absolutely love 03:42.086 --> 03:44.308 it . And then now as a state chaplain , 03:44.308 --> 03:47.229 I get to , to mentor and develop and 03:47.240 --> 03:49.320 even recruit , identify and recruit 03:49.330 --> 03:52.339 chaplains into this glorious work . 03:52.350 --> 03:54.259 That is just a passion of my life .