Home : Mission : First Army OC/T Academy
First Army Observer Controller / Trainer (OC/T) Academy


First Army is the oldest and longest-established field army of the United States Army. It served as a theater army, having seen service in both World War I and World War II, and supplied the US Army with Soldiers and equipment during the Korean War and the Vietnam war under some of the most famous and distinguished officers of the U.S. Army. It now serves as a mobilization, readiness and training command. First Army partners with the Army National Guard and the US Army reserve, to enable Reserve Component formations to achieve HQDA directed readiness goals and deliver trained and ready RC units.

Vision: Spearheading Total Force Readiness 

We are the force’s premier Academy for the development of Observer Controller/Trainers, enabling a ready and lethal Total Force postured for large-scale combat.

Mission: Shaping the Total Army Force 

We cultivate expert Observer Controller/Trainers (OC/Ts) who advise leaders and assist in orchestrating the transformation of the Total Army Force, Through standardized training in Unit Training Management, After Action Reviews, partnership, readiness, and training assessments. We instill doctrinal expertise and hone essential OC/T competencies. Our warfighting advisors forge cohesive, combat-ready units prepared to deploy and achieve decisive victory.

First Army Observer Controller / Trainer (OC/T) Academy Leadership

First Army OC/T
CSM Santos J. Soto
First Army OC/T Academy Commandant
First Army OC/T Academy
1SG David L. Harrell
First Army OC/T Academy Deputy Commandant
First Army OC/T
SFC Daniel J. Murphy
First Army OC/T Academy Chief Of Training
Billy Greer
First Army OC/T Academy Course Manager

First Army OC/T Academy


(309) 782-9232




3154 Rodman Ave, Bldg. 104
Rock Island, IL 61201

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