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Brigade Resources

SFC John Sydnor
Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC)
4th Cavalry Brigade

Work: 502-626-2115
Cell: 502-974-3194

Fort Knox Installation SHARP Hotline: 502-851-3779
DOD Safe Helpline: 1-877-995-5247 / https://safehelpline.org

Mission: First Army's Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) Program promotes a climate in which sexual assault, sexual harassment, or sexually offensive language or gestures are not tolerated, while providing sensitive care and confidential reporting for victims of sexual assault and accountability for offenders.
SFC Nicholas J. Shelley
Equal Opportunity Advisor
4th Cavalry Brigade

Work: 502-626-3794
Cell: 502-919-2566
Mission: Develop, direct and sustain a comprehensive Equal Opportunity program that ensures fair treatment of Soldiers, Family members, and civilians without regard to race, color, sex (including gender identity), sexual orientation, religion, or national origin. Provide an environment free of discrimination and offensive behavior to include hazing and bullying. Foster a command climate that generates a positive work environment throughout First Army for Soldiers, Family members, leaders, and civilians. Create an environment in which professional achievements are recognized and everyone is treated with dignity and respect. EO is a readiness issue, and treating everyone with dignity and respect, living the Army values, are key to good leadership, cohesion, and teamwork.
CH (MAJ) Matthew Shenton
Brigade Chaplain
4th Cavalry Brigade

Work: 502-626-3797

Cell: 502-919-2062

Mission: 4th Cavalry Multi-Functional Training Brigade Unit Ministry Teams will provide direct religious support for all First Army Soldiers, Families, and Civilians, and advise, assist and train Reserve Component Unit Ministry Teams to provide operational religious support for Combatant Commands.
Vision: To partner with the Army National Guard and United States Army Reserve to advise, assist, and train Unit Ministry Teams capable of conducting Religious Support for Unified Land Operations.