Twenty-six Soldiers assigned to 4th Cavalry Multi-Functional Training Brigade completed a Spur Ride June 2, 2022. 4th CAV had not conducted a Spur Ride since 2016, when the Brigade was reorganized by the Army.
“In every Cavalry unit in the Army, a Spur Ride is a significant event, it is designed to be a team building event,” said Lt. Col. Bill Love, commander, 1st Battalion, 409th Engineer Regiment “Renegades.”
“Soldiers are assigned in different squads from what they’re normally in, so that they can build trust and camaraderie amongst each other. Confidence in your squad in a deployed environment makes a world of difference in your will to fight and win. From a tactical standpoint, Soldiers that earn their spurs are greater equipped to succeed in battle because they have that experience of adapting to win and putting their physical and mental resiliency to the test.”
Soldiers serving in Cavalry units are inducted into the Order of the Spur after successfully completing a series of evaluations set by the command, culminating in the final test: the "Spur Ride". Induction into the Order of the Spur is for life, and the status travels with the Soldier from unit to unit.
“To be a spur holder is a great honor and is an excellent way to build esprit de corps within the brigade,” said Sgt. 1st Class Toby Quichocho, an Observer, Controller, Trainer assigned to Renegade Battalion.
“To be able to overcome the difficulties of the Spur Ride, such as rainstorms, heat, bugs, ticks, lack of sleep, is no small task. On top of that, having to pass the Soldier tests like tactical casualty combat care and the field board evaluation is even more exhaustive on the Soldiers.”
Within the tradition of Cavalry units, there are silver and gold spur holders. The silver spurs are earned by completing the spur ride, and the gold spurs are earned when deploying to contingency operations with a Cavalry unit.
“By going through the Spur Ride, and earning their silver Spurs, Soldiers strengthen cohesion and build resilience by overcoming adverse circumstances,” said Maj. Matthew Swim, the executive officer for 4th Battalion, 410th Infantry Regiment.
“We are very proud of the Soldiers for carrying on the tradition and earning the Order of the Spur. When these Soldiers deploy in the future and earn their gold spurs, the trust factor will be that much stronger down range.”
Previously, 4th CAV consisted only of two active-duty battalions, one Cavalry and one Engineer. In 2016, the U.S. Army reorganized 4th CAV, standing up three additional Brigade Support Battalions for the first time. This Spur Ride marks a return to the brigade’s historic traditions, and planners aim to make the Spur Ride a semi-annual occurrence in April and October each year.