Home : Mission : Units : Division West : 189th Infantry Brigade


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Welcome to NATO Sweden! (IT)
Nov. 3, 2024 | 0:24
Sweden has now become a member of the Alliance, after decades of being one of NATO’s closest partners. With Sweden as its newest member, our Alliance is growing even stronger, and making Sweden safer.

At the Madrid Summit in June 2022, NATO Heads of State and Government invited Sweden to join NATO. Now that all NATO Allies have ratified Sweden’s accession, 32 flags will fly together at NATO Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium.
189th Infantry Brigade
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Mission & Vision

189th IN BDE (CATB) observes, coaches, and trains our ARNG and USAR partners to provide trained and ready units to support combatant commander requirements around the world. O/O, conduct Mobilization and Large Scale Mobilization Operations (LSMO) in support of our ARNG and USAR partners to meet combatant commander OPLAN requirements.
Our purpose is to support First Army’s mission to achieve FORSCOM directed readiness and deliver trained and ready NG and RC forces. We accomplish this through partnership with the National Guard and US Army Reserve as FORSCOM’s proponent for the integration of the Army’s Total Force Policy (ATFP) and execution of Mobilization Training Centers (MTC) operations as part of the Army’s LSMO effort.
